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Registration Form 
New Members

 Brazil - Switzerland (Europe)

After completing the form, it will be sent for approval by Madalena's Staff. Upon approval, the new member will receive a welcome letter.

Our ananity costs 120. You are prepared to make this investment.

If you answered "YES" previously, pay the annuity and send us the receipt via email 


Payment can be made online directly to Madalena's account

Payment in Switzerland via Twint

076 454 87 85

Payment in Brazil via Chave PIX


Lucia AB Oliveira Barros

Payment in Europe via IBAN

CH22 0079 0042 7244 5513 7

Cpt Madalena's

Responsible: Lúcia Aeberhardt

* Write New Member Annual Fee (your name) 2023

in your payment description.

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