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Entrepreneurs' Stage

In 2016, the NGO Madalena's in Switzerland started an important mapping, through audiovisual records, of Brazilian entrepreneurs. Our main objective is to support, encourage, honor and leave this important anthropological and sociological legacy, for the following generations. , will find more open doors, less prejudice and more opportunities.


 Lúcia Aeberhardt and biographer Claudia Canto, developed a magnificent project in which they immortalize successful women entrepreneurs in the world. This project happened through 02 books entitled;



 2º: SUCCESSFUL BRAZILIAN ENTREPRENEURS IN EUROPE.Both editions in Portuguese and English.

The writers are, in fact, the voice of so many women who cannot even express themselves within their own homes. And both Lúcia Aeberhardt and Claudia Canto seek to give voice to these women who often have no space in society. Brilliant women who reinvent themselves with some kind of entrepreneurship, and who even most of the time have to split between taking care of the home and children, improving their careers through studies and managing some kind of business.

The writers seek to show that women, from the owner of a small beauty salon or even the one who managed to raise her empire and who are still devalued by a sick society that still thinks that these brilliant women need to be in front of a stove and below a man.

By Daniel Marx


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